Healthcare advertising agency


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Successful brands with healthcare and pharma marketing from mcs

As a licensed Google partner, the healthcare advertising agency mcs provides companies, institutions and brands with data-based marketing and communication solutions. Always relevant, monitored for success and with excellent creation. Clients include clinics, pharmaceutical companies, health insurance providers, associations and clubs as well as service providers and manufacturers in the healthcare industry.

With our interdisciplinary team, mcs provides cross-media campaigns, CI and CD solutions, websites, event and trade fair concepts, promotional activities and social media implementations.


Pharmakommunikation und Pharma Marketing für Gilead von der spezialisierten Healthcare Agentur mcs
Das Logo des Pharmaunternehmens Berlin Chemie
Medical Writing und Medical Marketing zur Mitgliedergewinnung für die AOK von der Kommunikationsagentur Healthcare mcs
Das Logo von Fresenuis Biotech
Gesundheitskommunikation und Marketing im Gesundheitswesen für Stada von der Agentur Healthcare mcs
Krankenhausmarketing und Klinikmarketing im Bereich Patientenmanagement für Vivantes Klinikum von der Healthcare Marketing Agentur mcs
Das Logo des Krankenhausdienstleisters Vamed
Das Logo der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Das Logo vom Verband der Schwesternschaften vom Deutschen Roten Kreuz
Das Logo des Pharmasalzherstellers esco
Das Logo des Medizintechnikherstellers Melag
Das Logo des Verbandes der Deutschen Diabetes Hilfe


Healthcare & Social Media Production

Drilled, astonished, clicked

A click-rich YouTube video and a linked microsite for more conversion – the healthcare advertising agency mcs shows how it’s done with the integrated social media campaign for the IKK BB: 30 seconds that have it all – there is drilling, amazement and helping. With the professional video production for IKK BB, the Brandenburg and Berlin Guild Health Insurance Fund, the healthcare advertising agency mcs has made a good start. The video or video series is a central part of the social media campaign encouraging people to change their health insurance provider and stands out in the competition between health insurance companies for potential new customers.

Digital Pharma Marketing

Online Repositioning Ladival®

Stada GmbH and mcs: Starting signal for the summer and the repositioning of online marketing for the Ladival® brand: Stada GmbH, distribution company of Stada AG, is continuously developing its brands – including the top brand Ladival. With the healthcare advertising agency mcs from Berlin, a partner is now on board to drive online marketing for sun screen products. The current analytical and strategic phase is the start of a collaboration that aims to develop a creative and efficient digital-focused package of measures for Ladival. Summer with Ladival can begin – analogue and digital!

Packshots von Sonnencreme der Marke Ladival, einem Kunden der Healthcare Agentur mcs

Healthcare Marketing

A new look for the healthcare network

The TWW is professional and people-oriented – even with the new content strategy and the relaunch of the website according to the new CD and the latest technical standards: The healthcare advertising agency mcs expanded its long-standing cooperation with the Theodor-Wenzel-Werk e. V. with a comprehensive website overhaul. Current imagery and new holistic design guidelines were taken into account as well as usability aspects including simple language, accessibility and a dynamic responsive design. The TWW’s health network is thus well equipped for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges in the health industry.

Ansicht der Website des Theodor-Wenzel-Werks e.V. auf einem Laptop, gestaltet von der Healthcare Agentur mcs


The whole capital is training

How a social media concept awakens training euphoria among Berliners – the healthcare advertising agency mcs for the IKK BB company run: Läuft – Berlin’s running and skating enthusiasts have never been so motivated and well-prepared for the IKK BB’s (the Brandenburg and Berlin Guild Health Insurance Fund) annual company run. Under the claim “Get off the sofa”, the healthcare advertising agency mcs staged an integrated social media campaign with a landing page including partner links, Facebook ads, a Facebook event page and content support for the partner pages well before the Berlin IKK BB company run.

Kampagnenmotiv der Healthcare Werbeagentur mcs mit einem Portrait eines Sportlers in seinem Trikot

Healthcare Marketing

One for all

If you want to help shape the future of nursing, you need a modern website – the Association of Sisterhoods/nursing staff of the German Red Cross (DRK e. V.) is setting a good example: In a first phase of cooperation, the healthcare advertising agency mcs developed, programmed and launched a new complex website on schedule for the umbrella organisation of 33 DRK sisterhoodsand about 22,000 Red Cross nurses nationwide. Many sisterhoods are now following suit and are also having their websites designed and functionally updated by mcs.

Ansicht der Website des Verbands der Schwesternschaften vom DRK e.V. auf einem Laptop, gestaltet von der Healthcare Agentur mcs

Clinic Marketing / Corporate Design

New look for the heroes behind Charité

The new corporate design of Charité CFM is taking shape: After being awarded the project, the development work of the healthcare advertising agency mcs for Charité CFM Facility Management GmbH is well underway. The result is a flexible, forward-looking corporate design solution for an innovative company that manages one of Europe’s largest university hospitals – Berlin Charité – in all non-medical areas. Currently, final CD guidelines are being defined and a first print project, the hygiene manual, is being launched.

Logo der Charité CFM Facility Management GmbH, entwickelt von der Healthcare Agentur mcs

Pharma Marketing international

Önline now

New markets, new websites – pharmaceutical communication for Austria: In the course of the international marketing of the blood glucose meter GlucoMen® areo by A. MENARINI Diagnostics, a division of Berlin-Chemie AG, the healthcare advertising agency mcs has now launched a website for Austria. Modern standards such as SEO and a dynamic responsive design are essential for successful online marketing. As a licensed Google partner, mcs will also effectively support international pharmaceutical communication through strategic AdWords campaigns.

Pharma Marketing

Everything but checkmate

YouTube movies are also proving to be ingenious moves in pharmaceutical communication: “Chessboxing with diabetes?” asks the title of the successful YouTube movie and provides an impressive answer in just over two minutes. The documentary film format for social media about the passionate chess boxer Venko and his active life with diabetes was conceived by the healthcare advertising agency mcs as an efficient building block, tailor-made for pharmaceutical communication. It is part of a comprehensive online strategy for the client Berlin-Chemie and its blood glucose meter GlucoMen® READY.

Zwei Männer sitzen an einem Schachtisch, Ausschnitt aus dem von der Healthcare Werbeagentur mcs konzipierten Social-Media-Videos

Pharma Marketing

Safety when measuring blood glucose

Pharmaceutical communication with a difference – website, sales app and video for NFC blood glucose meter: Measure blood glucose easily – this is the claim for the blood glucose meter GlucoMen® areo from A. Menarini Diagnostics, a division of Berlin-Chemie AG, which makes it even easier to measure blood glucose on the go thanks to modern NFC technology (Near Field Communication). The healthcare advertising agency mcs is responsible for the digital area of the new GlucoMen® areo. They created the website, the digital sales document and a video in the modern “Draw my Life” style.

Ansicht der GlucoMen areo-Website auf einem Laptop, gestaltet von der Healthcare Agentur mcs

Clinic marketing

Corporate Design Update

New look for Charité CFM thanks to distinctive corporate design: The update of the corporate design has been completed and the new look has already been adapted to numerous means of communication of Charité CFM Facility Management GmbH. The new key visual supports the positive positioning of Charité CFM as an innovative and modern company. In close cooperation with the client, the healthcare advertising agency mcs defined the final CD guidelines and organised and supervised a photo shoot lasting several days for the new visual world. The exciting project was rounded off with the development of the annual report.

Von der Healthcare Werbeangentur entwickelter Geschäftsbericht für das Facility Management der Charité

Healthcare Marketing / Communication Design

Active for those who are active with diabetes

Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe – the fight goes on with a new word-image brand and a new claim: Supporting the supporters – the strong development of content over the last five years was to be reflected in the new image of the non-profit organisation diabetesDE, Deutsche Diabetes-Hilfe. In addition to the logo and claim development, the healthcare advertising agency mcs established the design guidelines for cross-media use.

Logo der Deutschen Diabetes Hilfe, entwickelt von der Healthcare Agentur mcs

Press release / Pharma communication

Ready to go

Pharmaceutical communication with a difference: “READY TO GO” – under this slogan, A. MENARINI Diagnostics Germany has been on the market offensive since May 2013 with a new blood glucose meter. The Berlin-based advertising agency mcs, which specialises in healthcare marketing in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors, is responsible for implementing the communicative strategy, the advertising campaign and the cross-media catalogue of measures. “The compact blood glucose meter GlucoMen® READY gives diabetes patients the opportunity to measure their blood glucose quickly and inconspicuously better than any single test system. It is a measuring system that is ideally suited to an active life with diabetes. This is exactly what we want to communicate in cooperation with the advertising agency mcs, both to the professional circles, but also to the diabetes patients themselves,” says Christian Wielpütz, Product Group Manager GlucoMen® at A. MENARINI Diagnostics Germany – a division of Berlin-Chemie AG.

In January 2013, mcs won the pharmaceutical pitch, and from February onwards, the strategic and communicative development of the marketing concept began. “We were very lucky to be able to promote a truly unique product in a highly competitive market that offers future users clear advantages – no other device can be integrated so well into an active life,” says Jens Schemmel, Managing Director of the advertising agency mcs in Berlin, describing the perfect starting situation. The result is a cross-media launch campaign that includes both classic elements and social media components to address specific target groups.

READY TO GO stands for an active life with diabetes: The GlucoMen® READY is always with you everywhere, because it is so compact, small and light that it fits in every pocket. The innovative all-in-one system with integrated lancing device and test strips enables discreet and uncomplicated blood glucose monitoring, especially for insulin-dependent diabetics who have to measure frequently. Compactness and mobility are conveyed by the campaign’s key visual – the blood glucose meter in the pocket. In addition, the agency also provided inspiration for sales support. Here, the sales staff could be sensitised to the needs of the target group and the advantages of the device in an unconventional and experience-oriented way within the framework of a kick-off event. Of course, the blood glucose meter itself is not the last focus of the communication – a high-quality animated film and an app for product presentation help to address the multipliers. The launch campaign has shown that in healthcare marketing – especially when it comes to chronic diseases like diabetes – understanding the needs of those affected is an important basis for communication. An approach based on this is perceived as authentic by patients and professionals. The special feature of this campaign designed by mcs is the versatility with which the individual customer groups find exactly the right approach for them. Print motifs, the lively microsite, various 3D application videos and information brochures are just the beginning. The advertising agency mcs and its new pharmaceutical client will launch further cross-media measures in the course of the year to support the message.