Clinic marketing, personnel and clinic marketing

Ordinary recruiting can be done by others!

Personnel marketing from the patients’ point of view

Concentrate on the core: the patients. Because everything in the medical, therapy and nursing professions revolves around them. With the two motifs from the patient’s point of view, TWW and the healthcare advertising agency mcs have succeeded in creating an emotional and image-building first step in the professional recruitment of specialists.

The two motifs – a young woman seeking help with anxiety disorders and a geriatric gentleman – were used both in the digital context, e.g. on the TWW website and on job portals, and in the offline world, e.g. on trade fair posters.


Creative Direction

Art Direction

Photo Shooting


Event and Media Planning

Street Promotion

Radio Spots

Whether on posters, advertisements or online: We adapted our motifs to a wide variety of channels.
Das zweite Kampagnenmotiv für Personalmarketing von der Healthcare Werbeagentur mcs zeigt das Gesicht einer jungen Frau, die geradewegs in die Kamera guckt
Auf einem Kampagnenmotiv für Personalmarketing der Healthcare Werbeangentur mcs schaut ein älterer Mann geradewegs in die Kamera
Ansicht des Kampagnenmotives als Anzeige in einer Zeitschrift, gestaltet von der Healthcare Werbeagentur mcs